Clever Chameleon Mac OS

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The full operating system is a free download for anyone who has purchased Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion. Download the Application from the Mac App Store using your Apple ID on any Mac or functional computer running Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later. Open Mac App Store 2. Log in with your Apple ID 3. Download OS X Mavericks. Chameleon requires OS X 10.6 or higher. Apps built with it have been proven to be acceptable to Apple for the Mac App Store. Chameleon was first built by The Iconfactory to unify the codebase of Twitterrific for both Mac and iOS.

  1. Clever Chameleon Mac Os X
  2. Clever Chameleon Lyrics
  3. Clever Chameleon Mac Os Catalina
  1. Patch DSDT

Clever Chameleon Mac Os X

When running non-modified retail version of Mac OS X on ageneric PC, a special boot loader is needed in order to trick thevanilla Apple operating system to think it's running on a genuineMac[1]. One ofthese boot loaders is called Chameleon[2]. But Chameleoninstallation requires some tweaking in order to do the magic. It'snot enough just to install Chameleon on the system disk but youalso need some hardware-specific configuration in order to enjoy afully working Hackintosh system.

The configuration consists of multiple files. You could installthese files directly to the system disk you're booting from or theEFI file partition if using hard disk with GPT partition layout.But it's also possible to bundle all the needed stuff except bootconfiguration inside a single disk image file which Chameleon loadson startup and reads the files inside the image. This way you onlyneed to install this preboot image file and boot configuration fileand your system disk remains less polluted. I find this approachmuch more appealing as it allows me to keep the system as clean aspossible.

  • The Chameleon is a Rabbit. He argued his case last week to be a Dragon, but the prosecution asserts that he first popped into existence in 2011. That is, during the most recent Year of the Rabbit. And a birthday is a birthday – so a Rabbit he is, and a Rabbit he must stay.
  • Chameleon is a macOS app that gives quick access to changing the interface, accent and highlight colors from the menu bar. It has a very simple interface, if you've used the System Preferences panel to make any changes then it should look really familiar.
  • Chris1111, excellent work and good effort. I'm sure you are appreciated by a great many members.

Clever Chameleon Lyrics

In this guide we're going to create a Chameleon preboot imagefrom the scratch in a generic way. It is assumed that the machineand motherboard in particular in use has good compatibility withvanilla Mac OS X Snow Leopard. In practice this means Intel Core 2processor with Intel chipset on the motherboard. You'll also need aworking Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6 installation running on a genuine Macor Hackintosh with root shell access. The whole process is beingdone in the shell using command-line tools. Also if you're going topatch your DSDT, you're probably goingto need a way to boot Linux on the machine if you don't have Mac OSX already installed. Ubuntu Live CD would do it justfine[3].

  1. Create the preboot disk image and mount it. We're using the file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmg in this guide.

  2. Write down the device name for the preboot disk. In the guidewe're using /dev/disk3.

  3. Fix the preboot mountpoint so that file can be owned byroot.

  4. Mark the file system so that fseventsd doesn't keep any logsthere.

Chameleon needs to load some kernel extensions prior to bootingthe Mac OS X kernel in order to fix some issues running the Appleoperating system on non-Apple hardware. Also Mac OS X may notinclude drivers for all of your hardware so you need to add any 3rdparty drivers that your hardware needs to function. You can readthis article[4]to find more about kernel extensions.

  1. Create directory to hold the kernel extensions. You must notchange the path as Chameleon expects to find the kernel extensionsunder Extra/Extensions directory under the root of thepreboot volume.

  2. Download the following mendatory kernel extensions saving each.kext file under/Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions.

    • fakesmc.kext[5],[6]
      • System Management Controller emulator. Mac OS X won't boot on aHackintosh without this.
    • OpenHaltRestart.kext[7]
      • Fixes shutdown/restart issues.
  3. You may want to include the following additional generic kernelextensions.

    • ElliottForceLegacyRTC.kext[8]
      • Fixes CMOS corruption that exists with many motherboards if nopatched DSDT is installed. See the sectionbelow about DSDT patching.
    • NullCPUPowerManagement.kext[9]
      • Disables Apple'sAppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext. You need this ifDSDT is not patched to support native CPU power management. Seethe section below about DSDTpatching.
    • ApplePS2Controller.kext[10]
      • You need this driver if you have PS/2 keyboard and mouse.
      • URL:
  4. The meteva accident: prologue mac os. Download any 3rd party driver kernel extensions for yourhardware and place them under/Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions too. Good places tofind additional kernel extensios are[11]and myHack[10]. For areal-world example, you can read my posting Technical details of my Hackintosh installation.

  5. Fix permissions and ownership of the kernel extensions. Kernelextensions won't load if the files are not owned byroot:wheel[12].

  6. Create/update extensions cache

DSDT[13],[14]is an ACPI table that is stored in the BIOS. In order to workcorrectly, some functionality in Mac OS X depends on features ofthe DSDT that can be found on Macs. The DSDT in your generic PC'sBIOS might be incorrect or buggy when used with Mac OS X. Chameleonsupports overriding the DSDT provided by your hardware with aversion loaded prior to loading the operating system. Thus you cancreate a patched DSDT for your hardware based on your original DSDTthat is also compatible with Mac OS X and make your Hackintoshbehave well without modifying hardware or BIOS.

The plan for DSDT patching is straightforward.

Clever Chameleon Mac Os Catalina

  1. First you need to extract the DSDT binary code in AML format(ACPI Machine Language) wired to your BIOS.

  2. Then you decompile the AML binary to ASL (ACPI Source Language),which is source code to the AML binary in ASCII format.

  3. Edit the AML source code to patch in any desired fixes.

  4. Compile the patched AML source to get an updated DSDT AML binaryfile.

  5. You need to include the resulting DSDT AML binary file in theChameleon preboot environment so Chameleon can find and load it andoverride the built-in DSDT with the patched one on systemstartup.

For decompilation and compilation of DSDT you need Intel ASLcompiler/decompiler[15].For Debian/Ubuntu, the tool is available in the packageiasl[16]. Macversion[17]is also available. The iasl binary is stored in theTools directory of the linked download.

Actual changes to the DSDT are always dependant on thecombination of particular hardware and BIOS version so I'll gothrough these steps here in a generic way.

Extracting the DSDT AMLbinary

In Linux, the DSDT extraction is a breeze as the blob availableunder the /proc file system[14].Just run

and you have a copy of your DSDT AML binary in the file~/dsdt-original.aml.

In Mac OS X you can extract the DSDT AML binary to the file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.aml by running thefollowing command:

Note that if running Mac OS X, be sure that the system doesn'thave a patched currently DSDT applied or you won't be able toextract the original DSDT in the BIOS!

Decompiling DSDT AMLbinary to ASL source

Use the following iasl command to decompile theDSDT AML binary ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.amland save it as ASL source file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl:

Editing the DSDT ASL source

Now you can edit the file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl and fix anyhardware-specific problems with the DSDT. I've documented theneeded DSDT patches for one of my systems in the posting Technicaldetails of my Hackintosh installation. Many of these patchesare quite generic.

Compiling ASL source toDSDT AML binary

After applying the desired set of patches, compile the ASLsource back to a DSDT AML binary file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.aml with the followingcommand:

Configuring Chameleon preboot image to load the DSDT AMLbinary

Let's say you have the modified DSDT AML binary saved as thefile ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.aml. In order forChameleon to find and load the patched DSDT, the file needs to beinstalled as Extra/dsdt.aml under the preboot imageroot. So copy it like this:

System Management BIOS or SMBIOS stores some details about yourhardware[18],[19].In Mac OS X you can view the current SMBIOS information withSystem Chameleon allows customization ofthe SMBIOS values. You can do this by creating the fileExtra/smbios.plist under the preboot image root. Youcould use this feature to make your Hackintosh mimic some existingMac model or you could provide your own values. It's all optional,though. But If you want to do that, then read thesearticles[20],[21],[22]for more details and save the resulting file as/Volumes/Preboot/Extra/smbios.plist.

Here is a sample smbios.plist which gives thesystem a custom serial number.

By default Chameleon tries to find DSDT and SMBIOS data from thesystem disk. In order to instruct Chameleon to use the prebootimage, the file RAMDisk.plist needs to be added to theroot directory of the preboot file system. So save the this as/Volumes/Preboot/RAMDisk.plist.

  1. Cleanup preboot file system

  2. Eject the preboot disk

The preboot image ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmgis now ready to be deployed in the Extra directory ofa Chameleon boot disk.

  • [1] OSx86 at Wikipedia /
  • [2] Chameleon /
  • [3] Download Ubuntu /
  • [4] What is kext, where is kext, how to install kext /
  • [5] FakeSMC 2.5 /
  • [6] Fakesmc version 2.5 - /
  • [7] OpenHaltRestart /
  • [8] CMOS reset fix (via kext) - /
  • [9] NullCPUPowerManagement (32-/64-bit) - /—64-bit).html
  • [10] myHack / Downloads /
  • [11] The Hackintosh Kext Database /
  • [12] kextload(8) Mac OS X Manual Page /
  • [13] DSDT at wiki /
  • [14] Linux/ACPI - DSDT: Overview /
  • [15] ACPI Component Architecture /
  • [16] Debian package iasl /
  • [17] DSDT Patcher / iasl - /
  • [18] System Management BIOS at Wikipedia /
  • [19] DMTF - System Managemen BIOS (SMBIOS) /
  • [20] Prasys' Blog: [GUIDE]Creating your own SMBIOS.plist /
  • [21] InfiniteMac Forum: SL / SMBIOS.plist /
  • [22] Techedze: Editing your SMBios.plist /

Safari master mac os. In this guide I will show you how to fix iMessage on your Hackintosh with Chimera or Chameleon in a few [easy] steps. This guide will also work if you already have problems with iCloud and/or the Mac App Store and will fix them too.

  1. Download and extract this .zip package
  2. Copy the 'FileNVRAM.dylib' file into the 'modules' folder in your /Extra folder
    [If you can't find the Extra folder in the root of your disk drive open the Finder, press Command+Shift+G, type '/Extra' and then click Go]
  3. Repair your permissions with Disk Utility
  4. Reboot

The FileNVRAM.dylib will create a new .plist file inside your Extra folder which will trick the Apple's NVRAM check triggered when you try yo connect to iCloud, the Mac App Store and iMessage.

If this solution doesn't work you can try:

  1. Changing your AppleID password to a new password you never used before
  2. Adding a working credit card number to you AppleID account
  3. Giving your Hackintosh a different serial number.
Clever chameleon lyrics
  • [1] OSx86 at Wikipedia /
  • [2] Chameleon /
  • [3] Download Ubuntu /
  • [4] What is kext, where is kext, how to install kext /
  • [5] FakeSMC 2.5 /
  • [6] Fakesmc version 2.5 - /
  • [7] OpenHaltRestart /
  • [8] CMOS reset fix (via kext) - /
  • [9] NullCPUPowerManagement (32-/64-bit) - /—64-bit).html
  • [10] myHack / Downloads /
  • [11] The Hackintosh Kext Database /
  • [12] kextload(8) Mac OS X Manual Page /
  • [13] DSDT at wiki /
  • [14] Linux/ACPI - DSDT: Overview /
  • [15] ACPI Component Architecture /
  • [16] Debian package iasl /
  • [17] DSDT Patcher / iasl - /
  • [18] System Management BIOS at Wikipedia /
  • [19] DMTF - System Managemen BIOS (SMBIOS) /
  • [20] Prasys' Blog: [GUIDE]Creating your own SMBIOS.plist /
  • [21] InfiniteMac Forum: SL / SMBIOS.plist /
  • [22] Techedze: Editing your SMBios.plist /

Safari master mac os. In this guide I will show you how to fix iMessage on your Hackintosh with Chimera or Chameleon in a few [easy] steps. This guide will also work if you already have problems with iCloud and/or the Mac App Store and will fix them too.

  1. Download and extract this .zip package
  2. Copy the 'FileNVRAM.dylib' file into the 'modules' folder in your /Extra folder
    [If you can't find the Extra folder in the root of your disk drive open the Finder, press Command+Shift+G, type '/Extra' and then click Go]
  3. Repair your permissions with Disk Utility
  4. Reboot

The FileNVRAM.dylib will create a new .plist file inside your Extra folder which will trick the Apple's NVRAM check triggered when you try yo connect to iCloud, the Mac App Store and iMessage.

If this solution doesn't work you can try:

  1. Changing your AppleID password to a new password you never used before
  2. Adding a working credit card number to you AppleID account
  3. Giving your Hackintosh a different serial number.

This, with the 'modules' folder we just added, will work 90% of the times, if not you can try those additional steps:

Note: In the next steps we're going to change your Hackintosh current bootloader to the newest version of the Chameleon bootloader which integrates a few patches for iMessage. If you're already using Chameleon it should be straight-forward but if you're using Chimera make sure that you check the correct boot flags in your org.chameleon.Boot.plist, especially if you're using a NVidia or ATI GPU.

  1. Move Chameleon Wizard to your application folder
  2. Open Chameleon Wizard and select Update and then check 'Update more bootloader files'
  3. Click Install
  4. Reboot


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